Elevating luxury and transparency, one fragrance at a time. Discover the essence of Scentified by Cascades.

our vision

Since 2016, we have embarked on a global odyssey, curating a collection of olfactory and beauty treasures fit for the most discerning connoisseurs. Our journey has led us to hidden gems and storied maisons, their offerings crafted with exquisite ingredients and whispered secrets passed down through generations. These are not mere products; they are precious artifacts, each exuding its own unique aura.

We are the gatekeepers of these olfactory and beauty jewels, meticulously selecting only a chosen few to grace our exclusive platform. Each brand is an invitation to embark on a bespoke voyage, a sensory escapade designed to elevate your experience beyond the ordinary.

Here, on the shores of Africa, we unveil these coveted treasures in settings of unparalleled elegance. Our refined spaces offer a haven for those seeking unparalleled service and a deeply personal touch. Step into our world, and allow us to guide you on a journey to discover the pinnacle of luxury, crafted especially for the discerning enthusiast.

Scentified- Where exclusivity meets discovery.
A subsidiary of Cascades Luxury, your trusted purveyor of authentic fragrances and skincare, unveils hidden gems. This trust that inspires our vision. Be the first to experience curated treasures beyond the reach of the ordinary. Journey with us across Nigeria and Africa, to where true newness awaits at Cascades Luxury.

Founded in 2016 in Nigeria, Cascades Luxury now has global operations bases in Lagos and in London. The over 50 strong team members fully cover sales, marketing, logistics and finance, ensuring our customers and brands are supported and inspired by our business.

Leading the market in Africa, Cascades has a long standing credibility and stability with an average annual turnover of $2m. From shop floor to board of directors our mission remains the same, to offer the most excellent service to our growing family of brands and partners.


A combination of unique factors are essential to create the bespoke experience that is the Scentified. Our service is intrinsically linked with our corporate values and beliefs that a unique brand deserves a unique experience.

Beautifully designed exclusive locations designed for comfort and style for the consumer and with maximum exposure and the perfect positioning for the exclusive brands we carry.

Working alongside brands and retail partners to ensure positioning excellence and a considered strategic roll out, audited brand by brand, across the African continent.

Complete transparency in reporting and in depth analysis for our partner brands with years of industry expertise in the luxury African market.

A dedication to educational excellence. Highly trained BA’s provide an intellectual yet luxurious customer journey.

Strategic marketing and brand promotion in line with partner and store key moments.

Contacts and access to the well heeled UHNWI customers, influential content creators and thought provoking industry spokespersons, celebrities and media personalities.

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